Thursday, November 8, 2007

25 Things About Me

Here are twenty-five things that I consider to be my strengths:

1. I love kids
2. I love most animals (there are a few that I wouldn't want to cross any time soon)
3. I am a decent photographer (still learning)
4. I love to learn
5. I am honest
6. I want to believe in the best of everyone
7. I am always on time (usually early)
8. I am loyal to my friends
9. I dream big
10. I am a writer and poet
11. I can doodle with the best of them
12. I believe in a loving God who wants the best for me
13. I sing all right
14. I love most kinds of music (gangsta rap isn't one of them, sorry)
15. I love all kinds of movies
16. I read all kinds of books
17. I play tennis (funny, but not too too bad)
18. I like watching sports
19. I like batting practice and am pretty good at hitting the ball.
20. I love to hunt for things (not sports hunt, but find it hunt)
21. I can follow a recipe fairly well
22. I am creative
23. I am generous
24. I can spell for the most part
25. I follow the rules (most of them anyway)

This list is what I could up with in five minutes. (As the rules say.)

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